Saturday, April 16, 2005

At first its all "oohs" and "aahs" and then the running and screaming starts

Imagine my delight at seeing my husband bring my computer home last night from servicing and turning it on! It's alive!

Then imagine the wailing and gnashing of teeth when it crashed only an hour into working with it this morning.

It's as if my computer has gone one better than virus, and has some kind of strange electronic cancer that just keeps metastasizing. I got rid of the last hard drive because it was supposed to have been the source of the problem, but it keeps coming back... like a cancer, or malaria... or ex-husbands...

(actually the last one was just a really bad dream... a sort of marital version of The Handmaid's Tale's reproductive dystopia where everyone was forced to stick with their first choice...)

1 comment:

RTB said...

That was an hilarious post. HILARIOUS. reproductive cancer...metastesizing or however you spell it. Genius. Sheer and unadulterated.