Saturday, January 28, 2006

The response

Apparently, according to a right wing think tank, Canadians are too liberal and hedonistic. Okay, so the liberal I'm not surprised about, coming from the right wing, but hedonistic? I always have considered a little hedonism a good thing.

The thing that really seems to chap the writer's ass is that "Harper could do almost nothing to encourage the Country to adopt a more reasonable view of the United States and to correct some premises of Cultural Marxism, which Canadians have espoused, such as same-sex marriage and abortion-on-demand"

So now, I get my dictionary out, 'cause I'm thinking I don't know what some of these key words mean and I find:

hedonism: "The ethical doctrine holding that only what is pleasant or has pleasant consequences is intrinsically good" Pleasant = Good. No argument there from me.

Cultural Marxism is a bit harder to pin down. It's connected to political correctness and seems to be a fairly recently coined phrase. After surfing a bit and reading what's out there, I come to the conclusion that the SPL center sums up best what it is and does: ""Cultural Marxism," described as a conspiratorial attempt to wreck American culture and morality, is the newest intellectual bugaboo on the radical right" and Pat Robertson claims it is being used to "de-Christianize" the right. So now I guess the reference makes more sense to me. Glad to know that I do really know the meaning of *some* words! But if I have to choose, I'll choose Cultural Marxism if it means that I provide others with the greatest possible range of choices without inflicting my own beliefs upon them... and maybe that will lead to pleasant consequences, so I guess that makes me hedonistic as well.

I'm surprised the original article didn't mention the possibility of legalizing polygamy along with same-sex marriage and abortion on demand. Now there's a bugbear!

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