Thursday, January 05, 2006

The warranty on the car ran out around Georgia

What a road trip! I haven't driven that far in I don't know how long... oh, wait,... I guess it was only four months ago... scratch that first statement. A summer's drive to Nebraska and a winter's drive to Florida are two different creatures, even if they do cover the same kind of ground.

But we're back. We've actually been back for a little more than a day, but coming back has felt way too overwhelming to sit down & blog. I decided to take an electronic holiday (except for a really quick peek at my email on the 23rd to check to see if I passed my exam - I did), which was really nice while it lasted. But now I'm sloggin through a huge pile of emails... 1100... and that's NOT including spam.

Too many listservs.

But they all have interesting discussions... at least some of the time.

Good news is that I've read everything up until yesterday, so I'm making headway. Now I need to go finish the rest & then blog the trip and a holiday report. Stay tuned.

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