Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Beyond Murphy's law

My school drives me nuts! If something can go wrong, it will. And it has. I am tearing my hair out at the redundancies, the miscommunication, the lack of communication and the inefficiencies of its bureaucratic systems.

It's even worse long distance. I've been kicked off the library system twice, finally having to elicit the help of a local person to get access to its resources again (in fact, I've taken to checking it every week, whether I need access or not, just to make sure they haven't kicked me off again).

I've had to submit my change of address to five different offices - one of them twice - in order to make sure I get all the communications I'm supposed to be getting.

Emails to another office have repeatedly been ignored, forcing me to call to do my business with them.

And my payment for my tuition? Sent to the wrong account! Then it took almost two weeks for them to figure out what went wrong.

Even some of my colleagues are surprised at the number of things that go wrong in MY interactions with the institution. They don't seem to have nearly as many problems and I find myself wondering what it is about my account that brings out the bugs in every system.

I take consolation in the fact that because I'm not physically there, at least they can't frustrate me by rescinding my access to the gym like they repeatedly did when I was on location. If all this isn't incentive to finish the dissertation quickly so I no longer have to deal with this particular bureaucracy, I don't know what is!

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