Thursday, October 26, 2006

Home again, home again, jiggety jig

Next time you see me post about booking a flight to go somewhere else, remind me never to book an evening flight back, okay? Man! was I tired Tuesday night! Getting on a plane at 6 pm EST then spending the next seven hours on a plane/in an airport was brutal. Everytime I think my body's getting better at travelling, I realize I'm just deluding myself!

Seeing friends was good... very good... but I also ate waaay too much good food!

Finally nailing down a response from one of my readers was also good. And bad. But mostly good. I sure do hope I don't have to show up in person at his office door to get him to read stuff everytime though, 'cause that will get very expensive! But threatening to appear in person did the trick, and I got some really good feedback. He challenged me to add a dimension to the dissertation that I didn't have there. It will make the dissertation better (if I can pull it off, of course) and provide me with some really good experience in integrating thematic and philosophical themes within one extended scholarly endeavour. So it was good feedback.

The downside is that it requires a huge course of reading to pull it off. HUGE. In an area I've never concertedly studied before. Which means I need to take probably three or four months to read through it all and formulate a response to my reader's comments. Like I said, it will improve the dissertation, but, right now, it feels a bit overwhelming. So, it's off to the library to find what I need.

Why do I feel a bit like Frodo, contemplating Mount Doom?

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