Sunday, October 15, 2006

It's all about not embarassing myself

I didn't embarass myself on the Gorilla Run. But I came close. I woke up that morning with a stomach ache, which really didn't go away before the race, so my stomach was aching something fierce during the whole run.

At least that was the only problem. I woke up that morning out of a dream in which I had a stomach ache, which was a bit disturbing since I woke up with a stomach ache as well. But at least the rest of my dream didn't come true. I also dreamt that I couldn't find anything in the morning. I also couldn't dress myself. I kept running back into the house to get things. I also kept realizing that I'd forgotten to put on pieces of clothing, like a long sleeved shirt under my T-shirt or socks. As a result, in my dream, we didn't get out of the house till 10:10, which means we totally missed the 8 am race!

At least we got there on time. And I'm glad I ran with my sister. She was a great motivation, and everytime I wanted to slow down or even stop because my stomach was bothering me, she'd say really positive things like "we're almost there" and spur me on to keep going. She was great! and I wouldn't have done near as well if I hadn't had her pushing (or more accurately, pulling) me along. But I didn't embarass myself by dropping out or walking, so overall, I'm pleased with my performance.

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