Wednesday, May 07, 2003

I continue to experience mixed feelings about being here. Some days, I really feel homesick and can't wait to get back - that usually happens after I've had to spend what I think is way too much money for something, or something weird has happened like having my mail opened.

But then there are days like today or last Saturday, when I'm happy to be here. I was surprised to see flurries forecast for Calgary, whereas here I was wearing shorts and a sleevless shirt all day catching a few rays...very nice weather. And last Saturday, we were invited to a post-comps BBQ at a colleagues house. The last time I was at a BBQ was last summer with a very good friend and her family and while it was nice to relax with people who are becoming friends, it also reminded me how much I miss my old friends. The weather was a little cool, but was nice to get out of our usual routine for the weekend (which usually involves way too much studying), and to get out of our town to drive over to another one. Their place is in a nice town, only a few miles away and since we're planning to move this summer to someplace a bit bigger, I was scoping it out.

Have I also mentioned how much I hate commenting on student papers? After the fourth or fifth paper that is talking about the same thing, and making the same mistakes, I start to feel like I've said this already and wonder how much effect it's really going to have on the student's subsequent papers...especially when I get the next draft of the paper and nothing's changed! Oh well, it's part of the job. But I'm obviously procrasting right now on finishing the task. And I'll have to do it all over again next week.... *sigh* Back to work!

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