Monday, May 19, 2003

I never would have thought that moving to a new country would mean that I start drinking imported beer, but that's what's happened. I've developed a liking for Corona, Stella and Heineken that I never had back home, or at least, I've appreciated them that much more. There is, after all, no Big Rock around here - something I lament almost every time I order one.

There is a local brewer here of course, but I have yet to really fall in love with any one of the varieties it produces...though there is a New Hampshire brewery that produces a pretty good brew, if you're in the mood for a light beer - I have yet to find a good local dark. So I drink imports...German, Mexican, and English. And with the strong American dollar, it's actually cheaper to buy Labatt's here than the local brew!

Beer's on my mind today since it was a wonderfully hot day - almost too hot to have to drag books back and forth to school and the library. We seem to have jumped from some kind of mild winter/cold spring right into summer. I can't complain too much - the warmth is nice, but I'd much rather have the nice weather when I'm finished writing papers in another three weeks... *sigh* Can't wait for summer to actually arrive!

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