Sunday, May 18, 2003

Nice day for a run - first day in a long time that it hasn't been raining or just plain cold.

One nice thing about this place is that there's lots of good running. We ten minutes from the Charles and the running paths along its edges run for over 30 miles. We're really close to the start of the path system, so I mostly head one way, but there's plenty of room to run. We're also near the Cambridge city reservoir, a huge graveyard (it's actually very nice) and a country club. The only problem is getting to them since the driver's here are crazy!

The other wonderful thing is how cool it sounds to say that I ran through three or four towns during an average run. We're so close to the edge of town, and it's small enough that it doesn't actually take much to run all the way over to the next one. A good cardio workout always lowers my stress.

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