Monday, May 12, 2003

Okay, mother's day report: My mother's day began without lustre...but then thanks to Dwayne, he got the girls to make breakfast, then we went to an early showing of X2 (maybe not traditional, but I still enjoyed it!)...later in the evening, I enjoyed a tasty dinner and watching The Godfather while getting a pedicure. Maybe not a traditional sounding mother's day, but I loved it!

Since I have not much else to say right now, I'll insert an amusing post from William Gibson's site. Very creative!


WASHINGTON POST STYLE has a contest in which readers submit instructions for doing various things, their choice, as written by famous authors. Jeff Brechlin of Potomac Falls recently won for the following, for wonderfully obvious reasons:

The Hokey Pokey (as written by W. Shakespeare)

O proud left foot, that ventures quick within
Then soon upon a backward journey lithe.
Anon, once more the gesture, then begin:
Command sinistral pedestal to writhe.

Commence thou then the fervid Hokey-Poke,
A mad gyration, hips in wanton swirl.
To spin! A wilde release from Heavens yoke.
Blessed dervish! Surely canst go, girl.

The Hoke, the poke -- banish now thy doubt
Verily, I say, 'tis what it's all about.

Reminds me of a book I once purchased by Stephen R. Boyett called Treks not Taken with chapters like "The Trekking" not by Stephen King, "Trek of Darkness" not by Joseph Conrad and "Oh, the Treks You'll Take!" not by Dr. Seuss. The last one is particularly amusing as it begins:

The whole thing began
In the Transporter Room
When the Tranporter Chief
Beamed up a ZLAGOON!

It amused me during a long plane ride...if you have one of your own coming up, I'd highly recommend it.

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